
Try our recipe for brioche bread and butter pudding, then check out our rum and raisin bread and butter pudding, chocolate bread and butter pudding and hot cross bun bread and butter pudding. Now discover more British pudding recipes or make our classic brioche recipe.

Chef's tip for brioche bread and butter pudding:

  • To check it's cooked in the middle, insert a skewer or cutlery knife into the centre – if the custard mixture is still very runny, bake for a further 5 mins and check again

Brioche bread and butter pudding


  • 50g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for the tin
  • 400g brioche loaf, cut into roughly 2cm-thick slices
  • 50g sultanas
  • 350ml whole milk
  • 100ml double cream
  • 3 medium eggs, plus 1 yolk
  • 65g golden caster sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • ½ lemon, zested


  • STEP 1

    Lightly butter a roughly 20cm x 30cm rectangular baking dish or 30cm oval baking dish. Cut each brioche slice in half diagonally to create triangles, then spread the softened butter over one side of each triangle. Arrange these in the baking dish, butter-side up, overlapping them. Scatter over the sultanas.

  • STEP 2

    Warm the milk and cream in a pan over a medium heat for 2-3 mins or until just steaming. Meanwhile, put the eggs and extra yolk in a heatproof bowl with 50g of the sugar, the vanilla, cinnamon and lemon zest, and whisk together to combine. Slowly pour in the hot milk mixture, whisking continuously until everything is combined.

  • STEP 3

    Evenly pour this mixture over the brioche slices in the dish, then scatter over the remaining 15g of sugar. Leave to soak for 15 mins, then heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4.

  • STEP 4

    Bake for 30-35 mins or until the brioche is golden brown and the custard is just set in the middle – it will continue to firm up as it cools. Best served immediately, but leftovers will keep covered and chilled for a day.

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