
Try our recipe for strawberry tart, then try our toffee apple croissant tart, crunchy filo crinkle tart and custard tart. Now try more sweet tart recipes.

Strawberry tart: chef's tips

  • Macerating the strawberries released their water, concentrating the flavour of the berries and coating them in a light syrup
  • It’s a great way of creating an easy topping for porridge, yogurt or patisserie-style bakes to retain the fruit texture, without breaking down the fruit with heat like in a coulis
  • Swap strawberries for any seasonal fruit – raspberries, blackberries, kiwi and mango all work well

How to store strawberry tart

  • Make the pastry a few days ahead, and make the pastry case and custard a day in advance if you want to get ahead
  • The made tart will keep for up to 4 days but the pastry case may lose some of its crispness as it keeps

How to make strawberry tart... step-by-step video

Strawberry tart recipe


  • 750g strawberries, hulled and halved
  • 50g icing sugar
  • drop of orange blossom extract (optional)


  • 200g plain flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 100g butter, cold
  • 60g icing sugar
  • 1 egg


  • 500ml whole milk
  • 2 tsp vanilla bean paste
  • 175g caster sugar
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 60g cornflour
  • 50g butter


  • STEP 1

    To make the pastry, put the flour, butter and sugar into a food processor, and pulse until it resembles breadcrumbs. Add the egg and pulse again until the mixture comes together. Add 1-2 tbsp of cold water to bring it together, if needed. Wrap in baking paper or a wax wrap and chill for 30 mins to relax the dough.

  • STEP 2

    On a lightly floured worksurface, roll out the pastry to a few millimetres thick. Use it to line a 23-25cm loose-bottomed tart tin, leaving some overhanging. Chill for 10 mins while you heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4.

  • STEP 3

    Line the pastry case with a sheet of baking paper and fill with baking beans. Transfer to a baking sheet and put in the middle of the oven. Bake for 15-20 mins, then remove the paper and beans, and bake for another 5 mins until the pastry is golden and crisp. Cut off the overhanging pastry from the edge with a serrated knife and set aside to cool.

  • STEP 4

    To make the crème pâtissière, heat the milk and vanilla in a pan over a low heat until steaming. Whisk the sugar, egg yolks and cornflour in a bowl until pale and airy. Slowly pour the steaming milk over the egg mixture, whisking constantly, until incorporated.

  • STEP 5

    Transfer back to the pan and cook, stirring constantly, for 8-10 mins or until it's a thick custard consistency. Remove from the heat and beat in the butter. Put a piece of baking paper over the custard to stop a skin forming and leave to cool. Chill until needed.

  • STEP 6

    Put 500g of strawberries in a bowl, add 50g of icing sugar and toss well. Leave for at least 1 hr or overnight until the strawberries start to soften and release their juices, and there’s a light syrup in the bottom of the bowl.

  • STEP 7

    Finely chop the remaining 250g of strawberries. Spoon into the cooled pastry case. Whip the cooled crème pâtissière to loosen, then spoon into the pastry over the chopped strawberries. Smooth the surface. Add the halved strawberries over the top, cut-side down, and brush with the syrup. Serve immediately or keep chilled for a day, brushing with the glaze to serve.



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